Simplifying multicloud integration and oversight

October 23, 2023


South African enterprises are shifting towards multicloud environments, which brings about certain complexities and challenges. The most prominent of these is how to link all the cloud environments in a seamless manner to ensure efficient business processes and continuity. IT teams have a challenge on their hands when it comes to integration and oversight of a multicloud ecosystem.

Many enterprises currently utilise a combination of private and public cloud services to extract the benefits of both environments. However, this creates complexity and can add to the challenge of moving workloads between cloud environments. In addition, security controls and access need to be standardised when multicloud environments are used.

According to the recent World Wide Worx Cloud in Africa 2023 study, local enterprises say that their multicloud challenges include optimising performance, protecting applications from cyber threats, consistent security policies and visibility into application performance. Another challenge is finding the most cost-efficient cloud environments to use in a multicloud strategy.

Why companies opt for multicloud

Multicloud environments involve using multiple cloud service providers, both local and international, to host different aspects of a company's IT infrastructure. This approach ensures that different workloads, applications and data are placed in the most suitable cloud environment for optimal performance and cost efficiency.

Multicloud strategies give businesses the flexibility to choose the best-in-class services from multiple vendors, avoiding vendor lock-in and fostering competition among providers. Adopting this strategy also offers companies greater flexibility and scalability when it comes to their storage and data processing needs.

It allows businesses to grow with greater ease and minimise risk by spreading workloads across various secure cloud architectures. It offers greater redundancy and also allows companies to access certain digital products that might not be financially viable in a single cloud model.

Cloud services become more readily available due to the spread of infrastructure. This also enables businesses to choose the most cost-effective cloud solutions for their needs, creating a flexible specification process that meets the individual requirements of the company. As the business grows and changes, its multicloud setup will continue to meet its needs.

A multicloud environment offers a high-performance, low-latency solution to cloud computing and data storage. When it comes to security and data recovery, it’s a case of not putting all your eggs into one basket, A multicloud environment minimises business risk and allows for easier data recovery in the event of a security breach.

How to simplify multicloud oversight and integration

To simplify multicloud integration and oversight, companies need reliable cloud service providers that offer comprehensive solutions tailored to their businesses. SEACOM provides a wide range of cloud services, including infrastructure, backup and recovery, hosted solutions and Microsoft 365. We partner with leading cloud providers to develop multicloud architectures that meet our customers’ specific needs.

Companies that use a multicloud strategy need integration tools and management platforms to streamline the deployment and management of these environments. Businesses can benefit from centralised control and monitoring, enabling easy oversight of all cloud resources, regardless of the cloud provider. What you need is a solution that ensures secure and efficient data transfer between cloud providers to simplify workflows and processes.

Multicloud environments offer businesses numerous advantages over single cloud systems, including reliability, scalability, flexibility, cost optimisation and performance improvements. However, managing integration and oversight of multiple cloud providers can be complicated.

SEACOM's comprehensive cloud services and expertise simplify multicloud integration and oversight for South African businesses. By partnering with SEACOM, companies can optimise their cloud architecture, enhance efficiency and streamline their operations in the multicloud era. For more information about these services or to get a quote, email us at or leave us a message.

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